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What are Boat Trailer Roller Rubbers and why should I choose them?

What are Boat Trailer Roller Rubbers and why should I choose them?

25 May 2023

What are boat trailer Rubber Rollers and why should I choose them?

Rubber rollers are the no-friction way for your boat to roll across the trailer without damaging your boat and a combination of different rollers can be used to ensure equal weight distribution on your trailer.

Rollers are the better option for launching in shallow water, such as at a beach or a particularly shallow or steep ramp.  They’re the more versatile option if you are travelling and unsure of the launch depth at each location.  The advantages of a roller trailer come into play if you are working solo as the rollers help guide the boat into the correct position.

Rollers are considered better suited to fiberglass hulls as they offer less abrasive contact than other trailer options.

Multiflex Australia offers a great range of rubber products for boat trailers.  Engineered out of the best quality raw materials and guaranteed for performance.

·        Complete selection of rollers for most common applications

·        Constructed of high-quality rubber

·        Extra-large roller surface protects boat hulls

·        Can handle heavy loads without deforming

·        Friction reducing bushings for easy launch and load

·        Highly resistant to abrasion and weather resilient

Click here to see the full range on offer by Multiflex Australia.


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